Production reporting
Analytics: Production reporting
Event Control of Object Security (ECOS)
Description of the task
The task was set to develop a system with the following functions:
data collection on shipping, transportation, and TS from external systems, as well as monitoring their compliance with approved specifications
creation and implementation of control procedures using already implemented atomic microservices
notification about discrepancies in documents related to the cargo transportation process to interested parties via SMS, email, application, etc.
assigning tasks and generating warnings to those responsible about discrepancies in documents related to the cargo transportation process
sending requirements to external systems about blocking and unblocking operations with wagons, blocking the work order, and outgoing delivery, etc.
mobile version for truck drivers
interface for making decisions on the ban on departure in terms of specific vehicles (security and analytics center)
generation of analytical reports
Results achieved:
preventing theft attempts of trains
reducing violations of weighing control periods by more than 90%
identifying violations in the process of accompanying document preparation
reducing train inspection times at security checkpoints by 6 times (from 60 minutes to 10 minutes)
improving the ore beneficiation process (due to the ability to quickly adjust the equipment to the current ore parameters)